web3-onboard is a Block Native-maintained wallet connect library useable with MetaMask and TAILWIND.
Download TAILWIND extension
Download the extension and create an account. If needed, you can follow the onboarding guide here.
Download TAILWIND wallet adapter
yarn add @tailwindzone/connect-web3-onboard
Import and use TAILWIND web3-onboard adapter
import { tailwind } from "@tailwindzone/connect-web3-onboard" const wallets = [ tailwind(), // other wallets ] const chains = [ { id: 1329, token: "Sei", label: "Sei Mainnet", rpcUrl: "https://evm-rpc.sei-apis.com" } ] const onboard = Onboard({ wallets, chains }) function App() { return (<> {/* Other components */ } <button onClick={async () => { // Modal should show TAILWIND wallet await onboard.connectWallet() }}> Connect </button> </>) }
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