$3B+ of Interchain liquidity is 1-click away with your Sei & Interchain wallet from the future.
Bring Liquidity to Your Sei Application
We’ll go over the current UX landscape in Sei and why your Dapp will benefit immensely from integrating TAILWIND.
The Problem
For Solana, Ethereum, and Cosmos natives, users are required to move tokens before using a new app on Sei. Funds are easily fragmented across chains, and bridges makes them path-dependent, requiring developer expertise to un-wind.
To make things worse, each app has their own gas token. Users have to do 3-5 additional clicks to get requisite gas.
For example, to stake Noble USDC on Sei, users need to swap for SEI gas on Osmosis, send SEI out, send SEI & USDC out, and then go to the Dapp.
In the worst case, they get their money stuck and stop using your application altogether.
The Solution
TAILWIND enables a seamless cross-chain experience for your users. Before using your Dapp, users no longer have to transfer tokens. Their tokens are automatically moved and gas provisioned before signing.
With TAILWIND, users can bring liquidity to your application in 1-click, as opposed to 5 or more.
Bringing $3B+ of Interchain liquidity to your Dapp has never been easier. You can focus on building a great application, instead of worrying about cross-chain token migrations or gas provisioning.